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Teaching Fellow, University of Chicago (through August 2024)
Visiting Professor, Deep Springs College (beginning September 2024)
Here are links to my most representative publications. If you are blocked by a paywall, contact me for a draft.
Academic Publications
"Nietzsche's Misogyny and a Feminine Philosophy of the Future."
In Nietzsche on Women and the Eternal Feminine (ed. Michael McNeal, Bloomsbury Press, 2023), 87-102.
"Nietzsche's Confrontation with Christianity via the Body and History."
In the Journal of Religion, Volume 103 (2023), No. 2, 187-208.
"The Body and the Completion of Metaphysics: A Critical Analysis of Heidegger's Nietzsche."
In Nietzsche-Studien, vol. 51, no. 1, 2022, 251-270.
(In submission) "'The Presence of the Unhomely in the Home': Reading Wordsworth with Heidegger"
(Details TBA)
Non-Academic Writing
"Over Man: On Nietzsche and our crisis
of masculinity."
In The Point (August 2024), online.
Featured 8.27.24 in The Chronicle of
Higher Education's Arts and Letters
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